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Pillars of Barabbas Launch and Project Updates

M.D. House

Big week coming up. I thought I would be more nervous (and maybe Monday morning I will be). Essentially changing careers, from one that was successful and quite certain to one that is more fun and aspirational but decidedly less certain, has been an interesting process.

Pillars of Barabbas, sequel to I Was Called Barabbas, launches on Tuesday the 23rd! It will be an important barometer, though it certainly won't represent a final determinant. I'm putting some significant marketing muscle behind it, primarily through Salem Media Group.

That will include a video interview being recorded for Eric Metaxas's podcast and YouTube channel (air date TBD). I had my first real radio interview this week (to air Palm Sunday), and several more are scheduled.

My publicist also organized a virtual book tour next week, and hopefully that will dovetail well with the other marketing. At the same time, I've just finished Draft 3 of The Servant of Helaman, which absolutely astounds me. I can't explain how it happened so fast, and it's a longer book (over 400 pages)!

Anyway, wish me well as I'm trying to figure out how to play in some different arenas. I'm having an absolute blast, but wow.



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